New Construction is booming! But it is also stalling. Builders can’t seem to get homes finished and the quality is getting worse and worse. That is why you need a home inspector. Wright Inspections offers pre drywall inspection, which covers everything under the roof, and the roof! We inspect the framing, truss install, lath and wall flashing, plumbing, wiring, ductwork. Everything is inspected to current industry standards, which includes the latest building codes, manufacturer’s installation instructions, and the Registrar of Contractor quality standards. And we offer final delivery inspections, to ensure your home is complete in a high quality manner.
Be prepared for long delays in your new home build. I have watched framed homes sit for months with no progress. I have shown up for a final inspection numerous times only to find no faucets, door hardware, garage doors, shower doors and mirrors. The builder will push you to close without the home being complete. Then you are left to deal with the customer service department for months. Call The Wright Inspector to help you through the process!